The Fantasia (Fantasy) collection created by designer, Lasse Kovanen encaptures a vibrant and glorious garden on the brink of summertime. This is when the colors are at their richest and brightest, more beautiful than ever before. This whimsical design and 100% cotton fabric creates the perfect throw pillow for your home. The light Fantasia pattern consists of fresh bursts of green and lively colors of different pinks and peaches that will be sure to brighten the room. This cushion cover can be easily removed via a side zipper for machine washing.
Pentik brings true Nordic charm and coziness to homes around the world. Pentik is a prominent Finnish brand founded in 1971 by Anu Pentik, and is renowned for its elegant home décor and ceramic products that blend traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design. Starting out as a small f... More Pentik