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Finland has the Best Education

Education image

Finland has the most effective schooling system in the world. Here's why:

1.) Test taking: Finnish students only take one standardized test during their entire primary and secondary schooling. It is taken at the end of high school and is graded by their teachers, not computers. Instead of just the core subjects with only one right answer, the test address more complex and open-ended topics such as ethics and politics. Their education also addresses issues like losing a job, dieting, sex, drugs and popular music. This real-life approach to teaching makes students well-prepared for the issues they will encounter once out the door. Other schooling systems require students to take annual standardized tests, and as a result the curriculum can be too catered to test-taking instead of a well-rounded education. For poor test-takers, this also makes a less-pressure learning environment that students respond well to.

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2.) Less work, more play: While 15-year-old American students can be expected to spent 6.1 hours a week on homework, the average Finnish student only spends 2.8 hours. With this comes more time for play, which Finnish culture values greatly. In fact, teachers are required to give a 15 minute break for every 45 minutes of instruction. This can lead to less depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues among students.

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3.) Free education: Bachelor, master and doctorate degrees are free in Finland. Without the fear of being burdened by debt, students are more encouraged to pursue higher education.

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4.) Respect for teachers: In Finland, being a teacher is considered one of the most esteemed positions one can pursue. It's not easy to land a teaching job, as only 10% of those apply to teach education programs are admitted. The pay is slightly more, and they are required to teach less hours so more time can be devoted to valuable lesson plans.

3 Questions & 3 Answers
Mary Anne
from Marshfield WI USA asked:
March 1, 2018
Do Elementary school students have textbooks?
1 Answer
Yes, they do.
Submitted by: Order Desk on March 6, 2018

from Indianapolis, IN asked:
January 9, 2018
In what language(s) are classes taught: elementary, high school, college?
1 Answer
They are predominantly taught in Finnish, however some regions have Swedish as their first language, and there are also specialty schools that teach in English.
Submitted by: FinnStyle Staff on January 10, 2018

from Excelsior, Minnesota asked:
October 6, 2017
Are there private schools in Finland, and who pays the costs of them?
1 Answer
Only a small number of independent schools exist in Finland, and even they are all publicly financed. None are allowed to charge tuition fees. There are no private universities, either.
Submitted by: FinnStyle Staff on October 6, 2017

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